Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dan ku BERSENYUM dalam tangisan......

On Sunday, we (as in my Pusat Pengajian) had interviews for calon2 yang memohon untuk mengikuti our pengajian. This is the first that we conducted such interview. The reason being : we cannot tahan lagi mendapat students yang dapat brilliant STPM/Matrikulasi & Diploma results but sangat lah "bong" lagi "tong" lagi *******&%%#$^&))tooooooot)(**(%%#%^^*********

After the first round of interviews (Monday till today had some more), we sujud syukur and thanked God that we made the right decision to interview walaupun persiapan untuk interview (the kaedah, soalang bla bla bla) was gilaness and we perang2 to finally decided on something.

We had a few ultra brilliant ones that we doa cinta mereka tidak beralih arah and we had many "bongs" and "tongs" ones......

The grand dean put me in his panel so that he can keep his eye on me as in 'control' me supaya I tidak sama ada jatuh kerusi gelak golek2 or I sergah the calon to death. He did the right decision.

Okay - these are some of the potential university's students answers (am saying potential sebab kami tidak akan mengambil mereka but other pusat pengajian di USM or the many other IPTAs akan mengambil mereka sebab result mereka sangat brilliant HA HA HA HA HA :) Good luck people.......:)

Siapakah PM Malaysia?
Tun Razak bin Tun Hussein Onn!!!! (swear to God I almost jatuh kerusi and tutup mulut sepaara pengsan to avoid from gelak golek2!!!)

Siapakah PM Malaysia?
Pak Lah
Nama penuh PM Pak Lah ka?
Bukan. Nama penuh dia TUN DR ABDULLAH BADAWI
Ya- dia diberi Tun dan Dr selepas bersara. Betul kan? (the calon asked us......ha ha ha)

Who is the most popular world leader, currently?

Kenapa anda mahu mengambil bidang ini?
Sebab saya suka bercakap :)

Ohhhh......many, many more kelakar seram...........

And on Friday I will be going to Kelantan to interview candidates from Pantai Timur.....imagine...imagine....imagine...am so looking forward to be injected with more humor :)

-CD Laura Ashley-


Unknown said...

Oh this is not fair. You are having all the fun. My god... really Osama?????
Apapung enjoys my freng....and shares with ussss

(Biarlah anak2 ku tak dapat straight As asalkan depa pandai

Farid aka BIG MOMMA said...

aku rasa betul tu - osama

but please put on more injected humour