Monday, September 22, 2008

The Amazing Race(r).....................

  • Hmmmphhhhh...where did that come from? Badak5=The Amazing Race(r)??? Ontah la labu...but Badak5 fits into my profile of that category as she is one brilliant many positive ways - not that the rest of the badaks are not.................

  • I first met Badak5 at Badak3's place when both of them were residing at the grand Rumah Transit Desa Aman (did we all not.....) She came out from her apartment when she heard my LOUD voice talking to Badak3. She immediately came to me and said "I know you. I have been to your house at East Ham. The minute I heard your voice, I knew that was you - from the East Ham years...."Hmmphhhhhh....she is not the first and will not be the last to notice the voice before the person......

  • Anyway, I was impressed that she could recognized me while I cracked my pretty brain to locate her....."You sure tak ingat sebab masa tu you kalut keluar masuk dengan your NST friends," so she emphasized, probably to make me feel better (Badak5 kan very diplomatic and tactful - al-maklum la lawyer....:)

  • And after that, we kept on talking about people that we knew and the East Ham communities and the cute brainy real guys around East Ham - JOKE!!! mana ada daaa species itu.....We got some connection allright.........

  • After which, we started to become friends and Badak5 was introduced to Badak Prest and was included in the circle - partee, sopping, parteee, sopping, partee, sopping, more partees and more soppings and in between, but of course - stuffing our faces sessions...........

  • I still remember her first car - Daihatsu Charade and her driving...ha ha ha...never mind the car, mind the driving...:) Badak3 will always offer to drive whenever we go out - for her life's sake...:) Me? I donch care as long as I don't have to drive. I am perfectly happy as a passenger - and fully equipped with all sorts of doas before I put my life into Badak5's hand......ha ha ha.....

  • Badak5 lurrrrrrvvveee to jahit menjahit and I am the lucky one to always be given awesome shorts, amongst other stuff. And she also enjoyed cooking and baking and she "used" to cook us really good food and ever willing to do so - until she got herself hitched to DG - hmmmmppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! And now, not only that I don't get checked or floral shorts no more, I also seldom get to taste her yummy cooking.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! (shift of priorities in life....:) Neber mind - her being happy is more important than any shorts or chocolate cake or pasta or ikan goreng bodo or soup ayam bodo or chocolate cake (diulangi!!) or ayam goreng bodo - of the world.........................

    To me, Badak5 is one "sabaq" and "calm"person that I have ever met in my life......I am always amazed at how sabaq she is with everything - almost everything. She could absorbed stuff just like that and always try to be positive about it. I am sure that most of the time I managed to annoy or irritate her but she being her natural calm person, just smiled away..........But again,come to think of it - all Badaks with the exception of me, are very "sabaq" and "calm" people......hmmmppphhhh.....where did I go wrong?????? :) oh yeah......I am the self-centered one.......:)

    And jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan. God make me introduced DG to Badak5. Am glad that they got hooked and realized that they belong together and God Willing, forever. Well, Badak Prest introduced Badak4 to her husband so who gonna introduce me to my Mr.Monk?????? And who gonna introduce Badak3 to the Pak Haji Kecut?? oopppssss...sowi....Pak Haji Kecut pung dah diambil orang....ha ha ha.....:) And who gonnna introduce Badak Prest to her Mr.58???No need.....already found.....:)

  • In the final analyses, am glad that all us Badaks got to know each other as each one of us contributes to the richness of each other's lives........We all do have our own "peculiarities" - some more than others - (no need to guesss......) and "specialities" - however we manage to put aside the differences and stay good together. We may not be in touch everyday (with the exception of us on this little island as we got no other default la...ha ha ha) but everytime we are in touch, we can take off from where we last met/spoke........That's how special our "bondings" are..........We may not share every single details about our lives but we do know that whenever we need to speak up or to cry our hearts out - there will always be a badak or badaks to lend her ear, eye and heart............In that, we know who we are in each other's lives.........We are there for each other - in good, sad, trial, challenging, joyful, heartbreak, heartburn, heartache and all sort of moments........We may not be materially rich (at least not me!!!) but we are spiritually and soully (ada ke word ni???) because we have each other.......

  • In the end, thats all that matters......

  • And where did the name "badak" emerged from? One fine day, my brother said this to me "Apa khabaq kawan2 you Ngah?" "Kawan mana?" "Kawan Persatuan Badak Sekawan......." :) Nice? I thought so......

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